Os muestro el resultado obtenido al aplicar las técnicas rápidas, que comenté en el anterior post, en un par de Morlocks de Bakunin, el sectorial de Infinity. Se trata de las viejas miniaturas, que no son gran cosa pero que intuyo que en breve serán difíciles de conseguir, con la salida de las nuevas. Digo que no son gran cosa porque son un poco pequeñas, parecen niños (raros raros) al lado de las demás, pero el modelado en sí no está mal, es suficientemente macarra. Si seguís leyendo tras las fotos, podéis ver un pequeño tutorial de estas técnicas que me divierten más que las que había empleado hasta ahora, aunque el resultado no sea del mismo nivel.
I show you the result obtained on having applied the rapid technologies, on which I commented in the previous post, in a couple of Morlocks of Bakunin, the Infinity's sectorial one. It is a question of the old miniatures, that they are not a great thing but that I feel that shortly they will be difficult to obtain, with the exit of the new ones. I say that they are not a great thing because they are a bit small, they look like children (rare rare) next to other, but the shaped one in yes is not bad, is sufficiently rascal. If you continue reading after the photos, you can see a small tutorial of these technologies that entertain me more than that it had used till now, though the result is not of the same level.
khorne project
red box
warhammer 40k
warhammer fantasy
lunes, 13 de febrero de 2012
sábado, 4 de febrero de 2012
Bakunin exprés
Muy buenas. Para oxigenarme entre encargo y encargo (tampoco son muchos, pero sí trabajosos), he tenido que investigar en una técnica nueva para mí, consistente en imprimar las minis en gris muy claro y con lavados ir entonando y sombreando, conservando las luces. Para terminar, añado unos detalles un poco más currados en alguna zona de las miniaturas. He puesto este sistema en práctica con unas minis del sectorial Bakunin de los Nómadas de Infinity, y aquí está el resultado. Decir que en hora y media aproximadamente, pinté el zero y el prowler a la vez...todo un récord para mí!
Hello. To become oxygenated between order and order (they are not numerous, but yes laborious either), I have had to investigate in a new technology for me, consistent in painting the minis in very clear grey and with washes to be intoning and shading, preserving the lights. To end, I add a few details a bit more worked in some zone of the miniatures. I have put this system into practice with some mini of the sectorial Bakunin of the Nomads of Infinity, and here the result is. To say that in the hour and a half approximately, I painted the zero and the prowler simultaneously ... the whole record for me!
Viendo el post completo, fotos de cada una:
Hello. To become oxygenated between order and order (they are not numerous, but yes laborious either), I have had to investigate in a new technology for me, consistent in painting the minis in very clear grey and with washes to be intoning and shading, preserving the lights. To end, I add a few details a bit more worked in some zone of the miniatures. I have put this system into practice with some mini of the sectorial Bakunin of the Nomads of Infinity, and here the result is. To say that in the hour and a half approximately, I painted the zero and the prowler simultaneously ... the whole record for me!
Viendo el post completo, fotos de cada una:
miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2012
Carnotaurus sastrei, nuevas fotos
Este es un proyecto del año pasado, del que podéis ver más información aquí. Las fotos que tenía no eran muy buenas, así que he hecho unas algo mejores, aunque todavía no estoy contento. Que sirvan éstas para celebrar que gané con este bicho el segundo premio de pintura en la categoría libre del concurso que organizó Quimera hace un par de meses!!
This one is a project of last year, of which you can see more information here. The photos that it had were not very good, so I have done a few improve something, though still I am not satisfied. That serve these to celebrate that I win with this piece the second prize of painting in the free category of the contest that organized Quimera a couple of months does!!
This one is a project of last year, of which you can see more information here. The photos that it had were not very good, so I have done a few improve something, though still I am not satisfied. That serve these to celebrate that I win with this piece the second prize of painting in the free category of the contest that organized Quimera a couple of months does!!
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