khorne project
red box
warhammer 40k
warhammer fantasy
jueves, 15 de marzo de 2012
Sectorial Morat, Infinity, CB 28mm
Sectorial Morat bastante completito, que permite cierta variedad de listas a 200 y 300 puntos, y fácilmente ampliable para listas mayores. Al pintarlo he intentado salirme un poco de lo que comúnmente se tiene por bien pintado; quizás esto no le interese a mucha gente, pero necesitaba no sentirme atado a la figura en cuestión, a sus detalles tan bien esculpidos. El color y el azar tienen su lugar en este ejército, cualquiera que afine la vista un poco podrá verlo, con independencia de que le guste más o menos...para aquellos a los que les guste más, que no duden en escribirme, estos cachorros ya han mamado lo suficiente y podría deshacerme de ellos... Venga con las fotos:
Morat Sectorial enough complete, which allows certain variety of lists 200 and 300 points, and easily extendable for major lists. On having painted it I have tried to leave a bit of what commonly is had as identical good; probably this he is not interested many people, but it needed not to feel his tie to the figure in question, to his details so well sculpted. The color and the random take place in this army, anyone who perfects the sight a bit will be able to see it, with independence which he him pleases more or less ... for those those who like it more, that they do not hesitate to write to me, These puppies already have sucked the sufficient thing and I might get rid of them... Come with the photos:
viernes, 9 de marzo de 2012
Sectorial Morat v2: Sogarat y Rasyat, Infinity, CB 28mm
Una nueva entrega del sectorial Morat, el peso pesado Sogarat y el paracaidista Rasyat, unas figuras que tenía pintadas desde hace un tiempo con la técnica de lavados pero que no habían visto la luz en el blog:
A new delivery of the sectorial Morat, the heavy weight Sogarat and the parachutist Rasyat, a few figures that it had painted for a time with the technology of washes but that had not seen the light in the blog:
A new delivery of the sectorial Morat, the heavy weight Sogarat and the parachutist Rasyat, a few figures that it had painted for a time with the technology of washes but that had not seen the light in the blog:
miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2012
Sectorial Morat v1: Vanguardia y Yaogat, Infinity, CB 28mm
Con la técnica de lavados mostrada en los morlocks, empecé hace ya un tiempo a pintar un ejército Morat. No son trabajos de máximo nivel, por eso no los había mostrado, pero viendo que el sectorial va cogiendo forma y teniendo buena pinta, voy a sacarlos a la luz poco a poco. Empezamos por la infantería de vanguardia y el enlace yaogat, ambos son el grueso de la banda:
With the technology of washes showed in the morlocks, I started already a time ago doing an army Morat. They are not works of maximum level, because of it it had not showed them, but seeing that the sectorial one is taking form and having good looks, I am going to extract them to the light little by little. We begin for the infantry of forefront and the link yaogat, both are the thickness of the band:

With the technology of washes showed in the morlocks, I started already a time ago doing an army Morat. They are not works of maximum level, because of it it had not showed them, but seeing that the sectorial one is taking form and having good looks, I am going to extract them to the light little by little. We begin for the infantry of forefront and the link yaogat, both are the thickness of the band:

jueves, 1 de marzo de 2012
Marut, Infinity, CB, 28mm
Un refuerzo de peso para el encargo de Aleph que ya os enseñé. Es el TAG de la facción, un bicharraco de cuatro brazos y orejas conejiles que disimulan un poco su letalidad.
A reinforcement of weight for Aleph's order that already I taught you. It is the TAG of the faction, a creature of four arms and rabbit ears that hide a bit his lethality ¬¬.
A reinforcement of weight for Aleph's order that already I taught you. It is the TAG of the faction, a creature of four arms and rabbit ears that hide a bit his lethality ¬¬.
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